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Denmark Museums:   Tønder

The Zeppelin and Garrison Museum at Tønder represents a long history in Airships. Tønder was a Zeppelin base and has an impressive list of airships which once were either stationed at or supported at Tønder.

Tønder: Zeppelin and Garrison Museum

Just what airship exhibits might be displayed at this museum remains unknown. I would invite anyone with first-hand knowledge of the airship displays at this wonderful little museum to please write me with your impressions. I would be glad to have some "I was there" comments which I will add here!

Zeppelin Museum Tønder

Photo credit: Henrik J. Møller

Website: Zeppelin and Garrison Museum Tønder

The museum is located at (Lat Lon) 54.961045 008.867336, in Tønder, Denmark.

The location of the museum in Google Maps:

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